Offline & Encrypted Personal E-Mail

Feb 16, 2021


I find most e-mail clients to be both complicated and restrictive. I like being able to read, write and manage my e-mail offline. I also like storing my e-mail in an encrypted mailbox, in case someone else gets access to my device.

In this guide, I will explain how I have configured my e-mail system, and how it can be implemented for other users. I will be using an exemplary Yandex e-mail account (

The programs needed to replicate this setup are:

These programs are easily available in most Linux and BSD systems, even though their package names might be different. For this guide, Void Linux is used. Instructions for other Linux or BSD systems should be very similar.

Before we begin, we need to install the required packages.

user@void: ~$ doas xbps-install mutt isync msmtp gnupg2 pass

We start by configuring mutt, which is a very flexible and customizable e-mail client with many options. The lines below are the ones that are relevant to this guide. If you are already a mutt user, then these lines should be enough. If not, then you might need to tweak the configuration to make it more usable for you.

We open the configuration file in a text editor.

user@void: ~$ vim ~/.config/mutt/muttrc

We add the following lines, which tell mutt how to send e-mail, and where to look for received e-mail.

set folder = "$HOME/.email" # All e-mail
set spoolfile = "$HOME/.email/INBOX" # "Inbox" folder
set record = "$HOME/.email/Sent" # "Sent" folder
set sendmail = "/usr/bin/msmtp -a yandex" # Use msmtp
set use_from = yes # Generate the "From:" header field
set from = # E-mail address header field
set realname = "Example User" # Real name
set mbox = "$HOME/.mailbox/Archives" # Read e-mail
set mbox_type = Maildir # Preferred mailbox type/format
set move # Automatically move read e-mail to "mbox"

Next, we configure isync to get e-mail from a remote IMAP server. The binary for isync is called mbsync, and the default configuration file is ~/.mbsyncrc. In this guide, we will put the configuration file in ~/.config/mbsync/mbsyncrc, and read the file when running mbsync. This makes our home directory tidier.

user@void: ~$ mkdir -p ~/.config/mbsync
user@void: ~$ vim ~/.config/mbsync/mbsyncrc

A basic configuration looks something like this.

IMAPStore yandex-remote # Remote IMAP server name
Host # Remote IMAP server address
Port 993 # IMAP port
User # User e-mail account
PassCmd "pass yandex" # Command to get account password
SSLType IMAPS # Connection security/encryption method
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

MaildirStore yandex-local # Local e-mail folder name
Path ~/.mailbox/ # Path to local e-mail folder
Inbox ~/.mailbox/INBOX # Path to local inbox
Subfolders Verbatim # Local folder naming style

Channel yandex # Synchronization channel
Master :yandex-remote: # Remote server
Slave :yandex-local # Local storage
Create Both # Create missing mailboxes on both
Expunge Both # Remove all e-mail marked for deletion
Patterns * # Synchronize all mailboxes
SyncState * # Hidden synchronization state file in mailbox

Then, we open up the msmtp configuration file, which is read from ~/.config/msmtp/config by default.

user@void: ~$ vim ~/.config/msmtp/config

Here is a simple configuration that works.

defaults # Set defaults for all accounts
auth on # Enable authentication
tls on # Enable TLS for secure connections
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
logfile /tmp/msmtp.log # Enable logging (optional)

account yandex # Start a new account
host # SMTP server
port 465 # SMTP port
from # Set the "From:" address
user # User account
passwordeval "pass yandex" # Command to get account password
tls_starttls off # Tunnel session through TLS

account default : yandex # Default account

Next, we generate two RSA keypairs with gnupg2 (one for the mailbox encryption, and one for the encrypted password storage). The binary is called gpg2 on Void Linux.

user@void: ~$ gpg2 --full-generate-key

The program will ask us questions about the keys we are generating. We need to:

Then, we enter the following command to see the secret key ID.

user@void: ~$ gpg2 --list-keys --keyid-format LONG

The line beginning with pub should contain the secret key ID (rsa4096/<key_id>). We note this number.

pub   rsa4096/0000000000000000 2021-01-01 [SC] # The 16-digit number here is the secret key ID.
uid   [ultimate] Example User <>
sub   rsa4096/0000000000000000 2021-01-01 [E]

We then generate a new RSA keypair with the same process. This time, we might provide a comment when prompted, in order to make the new keypair more recognizable. When the generation is complete, we note the ID of the new key as well.

Next up, we initialize the password storage with pass, using one of the key IDs we have generated.

user@void: ~$ pass init "0000000000000000"

By default, pass saves passwords in a gpg2 encrypted file in the ~/.password-store directory. We are going to store our e-mail account password with pass, because it is more secure than storing it in plain text. We can insert a new password with the following command (we enter the password when prompted).

user@void: ~$ pass insert yandex

We can see the newly added password like this:

user@void: ~$ pass ls

We also need to make the mailbox directory, compress it into a tar archive, and encrypt it using the other RSA keypair. We will be decrypting the mailbox whenever we synchronize with mbsync or run the mutt e-mail client, and encrypting it again when we are done. I am using a different fake key ID this time, to differentiate it from the previous one.

We run the following commands first to make the encrypted tar archive containing the empty mailbox, and remove the unencrypted files.

user@void: ~$ mkdir ~/.mailbox
user@void: ~$ tar -cf ~/.mailbox.tar -C ~/ .mailbox
user@void: ~$ rmdir ~/.mailbox
user@void: ~$ gpg2 -r 1111111111111111 -e ~/.mailbox
user@void: ~$ rm ~/.mailbox.tar

Finally, we write a simple shell script that will run everything as required. Let's call the script mymail.

user@void: ~$ vim mymail

Our script will:

Here is the script:

gpg2 -o $MBOX.tar -d $MBOX.tar.gpg && \
mv $MBOX.tar.gpg $MBOX.tar.gpg.bak
tar -xf $MBOX.tar -C ~/ && rm $MBOX.tar
[ -d "$MBOX" ] && mbsync -c ~/.config/mbsync/mbsyncrc -a
tar -cf $MBOX.tar -C ~/ .mailbox && rm -r $MBOX
gpg2 -r -e $MBOX.tar && \
rm $MBOX.tar

We save the script and make it executable.

user@void: ~$ chmod +x mymail

Then, we copy the script to a directory in our $PATH, or we just run it.

user@void: ~$ ./mymail